About Legal Services
The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987, is aimed to provide free and competent Legal Services to the weaker sections of the society to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities and to organize Lok Adalats to secure that the operation of the legal system promotes justice on a basis equal opportunity.
The Principal Objective of Legal Services is to provide free and competent Legal Services, to encourage the settlement of dispute by way of Lok Adalat, Mediation and conciliation and to secure the legal rights of poor, down trodden and weaker section of the society.
"Legal services clinic" means the facility established by the District Legal Seivices Authority to provide basic legal services to the People with the assistance of para-legal-volunteers or lawyers, as the point of first contact for help and advice and includes legal services cinics set up under regulation 3 and regulation 24;
Functionalities of Legal Services

- To give Free legal aid to the eligible and weaker section of the society.
- To file Public Interest Litigations as directed by the Hon\'ble Chairman, HCLSC.
- To conduct Pre-conciliation and encourage the settlement of disputes amongst the parties.
- To conduct Lok Adalats(Regular as well as National) and to prepare Conciliation orders/awards for High Court cases.
- To conduct preparatory meetings before organizing National Lok Adalats.
- To conduct meetings periodically as directed by the Hon\'ble Chairman, HCLSC.
- To workout modalities of the Legal Services schemes and programs.
- To exercise the powers in respect of administration, house keeping, finance and budget matters.
- To manage the properties, records and funds of the High Court Legal Services Committee.
- To maintain true and proper accounts including checking and auditing in respect thereof, periodically
- To prepare Annual Income and expenditure account
- To process proposals for financial assistance and issue utilization certificate thereon.
- To perform such other functions as may be expedient for efficient functioning of the High Court Legal