About Us

The High Court Library is a “Reference Library”. It was established in the year 1930 to provide ready access to legal literature be it legislation, case law, commentaries or legal papers presented by experts in various fields of law. It is a treasure trove of International Publications, Reports of Foreign Courts, Gazettes and English Literature.
The ease of ready reference is further facilitated by the adoption of Information Technology. There are two libraries, one each at Dharwad and Kalaburagi, which are equally well equipped.
Users of the Library are:

1. Judges
2. The Bar
3. The Registry
4. Law Clerks
5. Others with Permission
Working Hours:

09:00 a.m. to 07:00 p.m. On all working days
10:30 a.m. to 01:30 p.m. On Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays
Library Holdings:

1. The Library contains the follwoing items, numbering about 1.5 lakh.
- Books
- Monographs
- Commission Reports
- Committee Reports
- Government Publications
- Central and State Legislations
- Other Legal Materials
2.Journals and Reports:
The library subscribes to 25 Indian and 2 Foreign Legal Journals and Reports.
(Both Academic and Reporting)
Staff Pattern: