Majmudar, Shailesh Bhadrayulal, M.A., LL.B—Born on 20th August,
1935. Enrolled Advocate in the High Court of Gujarat in 1961. Practised on
constitutional, civil and criminal sides and also in the Gujarat Revenue
Tribunal at Ahmedabad. Appointed Additional Judge, Gujarat High Court from
3-10-1978 and permanent Judge from 19-7-1979. Appointed as Chief Justice
of Andhra Pradesh High Court from 12-10-92. Transferred as Chief Justice
of Karnataka High Court from 2-7-93. Appointed as Judge of the Supreme
Court of India with effect from 19-9-94. Retired on 19-8-2000. Present
Address: 24, Sumadhur Society, Surendra Mangaldas Rd. Beyond Nehru Nagar,
Cross Road, Behind Ocean Park Flats, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad-380 015. Ph.
6750479, 6730985 |